DearS is a manga series co-written and illustrated by Banri Sendo and Shibuko Ebara, credited under their pen name Peach-Pit. It was serialized monthly by MediaWorks in their magazine Dengeki Comic Gao! from March 2002 to December 17, 2005 and was later published into a ten volume set by the company. The manga was licensed and translated into English by Tokyopop. A 13-episode anime was adapted by MSJ and a PlayStation 2 video game was produced by MediaWorks.
Genre: | Simulation |
Release Month: | 6 |
Release Year: | 2004 |
Developer: | Peach-Pit |
Publisher: | Media Works |
Serial: | SLPS-25372 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |